It's Alive

8:18 PM The Hydes 1 Comments

Yes, it's true....I am still alive, I bet most people thought I dropped off the face of the earth....and some days I think I did too. I can't believe I haven't blogged since August! It's that dang clock counter. I kept getting farther and farther behind and it has kept haunting me and then, not being told what to do I was like - " oh ya, 200 posts behind? well, I'll show you!"

But really, like most of you, life has been CRAZY! And to make matters worse a new year is here and I'm like, "ah dang, where did all that time go?" But perhaps that's just me.

2011 was a crazy year! We came home from Amerikan Samoa, adopted our son, made him part of our family for time an all eternity, and became vegans. Ya, that about sums it up.

Who knew that being a mom would take up so much of your time. I guess my mom was just super mom with working, having 3 kids, lots of church responsibilities, a husband AND loving to cook. I don't even want to think about hurts my head.

Having a very busy one year old, a self proclaimed naturalist husband, and my own sanity to keep up on I've decided somethings got to give, I hate to break it to you but I've decided to stop cooking. Really, I just can't cook any more....I'm going raw. No, not in the raw....stay with me folks, We're going raw. We've been raw for a couple of weeks now and it's the amazing feeling of going vegan all over again. I guess we're still in that dreamy newlywed phase and haven't hit one of those cravings yet where you either get what you're craving or you're going to eat the person next to you. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

So now I'll be re-redoing a lot of my recipes in the raw. Kind of like buying the same Debbie Gibson music for the 3rd time for your mp3 player since your CD got scratched and you can't find a pencil to fix your tape....and you can't find a tape player for that matter.

So buckle up! Because this year your foods ALIVE! ~

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1 comment:

  1. wow. It was a big year. So glad toa is here. It does feel like you dropped off the face of the planet though...
