Day 95: Celery Salad

6:39 PM The Hydes 0 Comments

I know I've talked about our favorite restaurant Benjas before. It truly is sublime! When we went for our anniversary Matthew and I were feeling adventurous and ventures away from our usual Masaman Curry and Pad Thai....well, we still got that but we also tried the seaweed salad. OH MY! The crunch, the flavor, the infusion of nutrition with each bite. I went back the next day and had it for lunch. Since our anniversary 4 months ago I've been craving it regularly. I HIGHLY recommend you find some and try it! But what does that have to do with celery?....Hold your horses, I'm getting there. About the same time we started signing up for "bountiful baskets"
How everyone in the world knew about this but me I have no idea but even my non vegetable eating brother was aware of the option. So we signed up and while I truly admit that it is a good value don't let people exaggerations miss lead you. I have spoken to several people about them and they go on about how much produce there is and how you couldn't eat it all there is always so much and people even split the basket because there is so much. yada yada ya....All I can say is that either Matthew and I are produce pigs or these people need to eat more fruits and vegetables! But it still is an extremely good value for your money. If there is one in your area I recommend you check it out. Plus co-ops are great! So, to make a long story even longer, in our bountiful basket one week we got 2 stalks of celery. One stalk is easy to go through but two got me thinking. I found this recipe on line and It was so yummy we went through one whole stock that night. And going back to the yummy seaweed salad, it tastes quite a bit like it and solved the whole craving problem. What do you think? Do they taste similar or are my taste buds just whacked out?

Simple Celery Salad

1 bunch celery
sesame oil

toasted sesame seeds


chili powder or flakes

Slice the celery thin on an angle, toss with sea salt. Place in a strainer and put strainer in a bowl and let drain for at least 1 hour in the fridge. Rinse extra salt from celery. Toss with sesame oil, sesame seeds and chili powder. Serve chilled.

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